Shipping Notification Apps
Keep informed about your orders status easily with these shipping apps from USPS, Fedex, and more!

By Tim Weaver
Designer at Presto Photo
In todays world of online shopping, keeping track of packages has never been more important to online consumers. With 20% of all purchases made online, checking your tracking for each individual package can be a lot to handle, and there are tools available for online shoppers that you might not be aware.
Most major shipping companies (USPS, FedEx, and UPS) now have the concept of automatic package notifications: instead of following each individual tracking number your sent via email, they will automatically notify you of any shipment sent directly to your home mailing address. You don't have to enter anything in, and you can get push notifications about the movements of your packages and even when your package is delivered.
In this post we're going to go over some of the options available to you, and how to set them up. They all work with PrestoPhoto as an added perk!
USPS Informed Delivery
USPS's option is probably one of the most convenient for everyday use, they call it Informed Delivery and it's available in the iOS App Store and the Google Play Store.
Not only will this service keep track of any packages being delivered by USPS, it also has a feature where it shows you scanned images of your mail pieces being delivered to your home or P.O. Box. Things like cards, postcards, important mail pieces (and bills) will show up when you use this service too.
To start, you'll need to create an account and you'll have to verify that the address you enter is your address. Once you've done that, the service will begin and you should be receiving updates about all mail sent to your mailing address.
Current iterations of the app do not seem to have push notifications to notify you when your package is received, but you can sign up for SMS or Email notification online.
If at first it doesn't automatically log your packages for you, you can manually enter the package numbers and track them all from one place.
With the Fedex app for Apple iPhone and Android phones, they have the same feature as USPS with tracking packages with one extra advantage: it keeps track of packages you send using FedEx, as well as keeping up with the ones you receive. For small business owners or people who just love to ship things, that can make life a little easier.
All you have to do is download the app, enter your address, and if you have any alias's (Variations on your name or nicknames). You should begin receiving notifications on all of your packages, sending and receiving.
UPS even has an option to help you keep up with packages available for iOS Android devices. We haven't been able to investigate it as thoroughly as FedEx or USPS, but you can give it a shot if you use UPS.
And that about covers it for our blog post about shipping notifications. If you have anything else you'd like to see a blog post about, give me a shout out at and we'll look into it for future blog posts!

Tim Weaver
Tim is a North Carolina native, extreme book geek, and sometimes thinks he's an artist. When he's not whipping up amazing graphics and designs for Presto Photo, he's probably sipping a coffee with his cat and organizing his art book collection.