Interview with Adoption Profile Books Designer Amy Payne
Interview with Amy Payne of Amy Payne Photography about Adoption Profile Books
November is National Adoption Month. We print a lot of things, but our favorite is adoption books. We are proud to be a humble part of the journey that a couple goes through when they adopt.
We got in touch with Amy Payne of Amy Payne Photography, and she was kind enough to chat with us about the work she does on adoption profile books.

"To be able to hug their necks, hold sweet babies, and have them thank me for playing a part was truly a humbling experience."
—Amy Payne
Tim Weaver from Presto Photo: So, tell us about yourself.
Amy Payne: I am really just a wife and mom to four, ranging in age from 4-20, who happens to be a profile designer and photographer. If you talk to me very long you will know that I love to laugh and I eat Mexican food at least once a week. Adoption is near and dear to my heart as three of our children are adopted. Beyond growing our family, one of the biggest blessings of adoption has been the friendships that have been cultivated with other adoptive families.
TW: Helping create families must be a hugely rewarding job. How did you end up doing this?
AP: It is one of the most rewarding things I've ever done! Honestly, it just evolved over time. I did my own profile book when we adopted. Before I knew it I was helping friends design their books. Eventually, I reached out to our Adoption Consultant to let them know I would love to help other families as well.
TW: What are some basic "Do's and Dont's" for profile books?
AP: First of all, be yourself. If you haven't had family photos done within the last 12 months, I highly recommend investing in new portraits. It really makes all the difference in a book.
TW: What is your most memorable Profile book?
AP: Gosh, that's hard to answer. I enjoy each book I make, but what really makes them memorable is the relationships I build with my clients. Although I have worked with numerous people who are local to me, most of my clients are spread out all over the country and I may never meet them face to face, yet we bond because of the common thread of adoption. This summer, I was blessed to meet several families I had worked with over the past year. To be able to hug their necks, hold sweet babies, and have them thank me for playing a part was truly a humbling experience. (I may or may not have cried.)
TW: What makes a profile book stand out?
AP: The goal of the profile book is to draw the reader in. The old saying is "Don't judge a book by it's cover. However, the cover of your profile book can really make or break you, so to speak. My job is to make the book visually appealing. I imagine many times expectant moms may thumb through a book and decide if they want to actually spend time reading it. I think it's important to provide enough information without overcrowding the pages, thus overwhelming the reader.
TW: We’d like to thank you for your time, and want to say we appreciate the job you do every day to help these families.