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PrestoPhoto Support
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Joined: 30 Sep 2004


Posted:25 Jan 2008 (19:34 UTC)
Jason, so sorry for not responding to your forum post. I see you also sent in a ticket regarding this question. I don't think we were able to help because the concern seemed to be sorted out by the time we received your question. It is worth noting that PDFs don't count towards storage space.
Jason Heaton
Joined: 18 Jan 2008


Posted:21 Jan 2008 (20:17 UTC)
(:wink:)Hello again all,

Just a FYI on this... Since I never received any advice/help in this matter, I just made another attempt to upload the file the next day. Apparently the second attempt worked just fine. My books are ordered and hopefully they will be as nice as I'm am expecting them to be.


Jason Heaton
Joined: 18 Jan 2008


Posted:19 Jan 2008 (22:18 UTC)
Hello all,

I appear to be having some problems. I uploaded my PDF file successfully to your site. The file is 100pages at 165MB in size. File was created in iPhoto. I believe it took about an hour and a half to upload, just to let you know.

I started to go through the steps to purchase the book. I choose 8.5x11 Landscape Hard Cover Die-Cut. Go to Cover Options. Complete that. Go to Webstore Options. Complete that. I notice a warning stating that my book isn't set up for bleeds. If I click the option to have it resized a quarter of an inch it will then be set up correctly (I also read this in a forum post as well when another person had a resize question). I click the resize option. An icon starts spinning saying something along the lines of "Resizing PDF" or whatever. I sit there for about 30 minutes and nothing has changed. It just spins and spins. I see a clock counting as it "saves" the file, but it never indicates how long this process takes. So I just walk away from the computer for about an hour. I come back. It's still "working". I come back about an hour and a half after that (about 3 hours total now) and it's still "working". I notice an option to "Generate a preview" of the PDF. I click that and EVERYTHING seems to go nuts.

Now my book is sized at .25" x.25". Huh? That makes no sense. What do I need to do here? I also noticed that the preview PDF is now very, very tiny and is square. Obviously so, because my book is now a quarter of an inch square, but I have no idea why...

I also went to DASHBOARD to see if there was anything there I could do. Clicked on "personal quota usage". Noticed that I have apparently used 109MB of space. Shouldn't it be 165MB of space since that's how big my file was that I uploaded?

Also, at what point do I choose the cover color for the Die-Cut? I'd like to choose a leather cover, but at what point do I make that choice?

Thanks so much in advance. I really look forward to having my books once this is all cleared up.


Jason Heaton
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