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Few missing details on landscape die cut book

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Joined: 06 Mar 2005

Re: Few missing details on landscape die cut book

Posted:14 Nov 2007 (19:30 UTC)
Rochelle, Do you just want the image to show through the die-cut window or do you want all the text to show through as well? Because right now just the baby's face shows through which is what I think would be the best. Then when they open the book they can read the text. Just select the die-cut tab from the cover section to see the image.

The 3/4" is a recommendation. If you want to only pull your text or faces in 1/4" then you can.
Rochelle Long
Joined: 02 Nov 2007

Re: Few missing details on landscape die cut book

Posted:14 Nov 2007 (17:03 UTC)
Thanks for the info.

1) On the die cut issue. If you'd taken a look at the link to my book that I sent it would be very aparent "why" I would want my page to be left unscaled. Beyond that, a 3X2 image is quite simply very small on a book cover that size but it sounds like you are just really not setup for that. Is there at least a way I can have a minimal bleed beyond the opening of the die cut? If I "scale" my picture to a custom amount untill it looks good in the die cut window. Can I think that that is how it will look on the final product?

2) I'm going with the 11.25 X 8.75 as a submitted size then. On the spec sheet that lists all the different book sizes it is confusing because it lists the upload size for this book as 11.5 x 9 with a 1/4 trim. Also, I've read the crop and bleed section and if you trim an 1/8, and you have 1/8" movement, why would you need 3/4" clearance. 1/8 + 1/8" is 1/4. I've seen other docs that say you need 3/8" of caution area. If you are printing to 11.25 X 8.25 how could you possibly eat into 3/4" on any side. Please explain.

PrestoPhoto Support
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Joined: 30 Sep 2004

Re: Few missing details on landscape die cut book

Posted:14 Nov 2007 (13:59 UTC)
For the cover image, you can upload the "cover" image to your gallery and the image you designate as your "cover image" peeks through the die-cut hole on the front cover. We will scale the cover image so you don't need to do that. Actually, we give you the option to keep the image to full scale, scale it to fit inside the die-cut hole in the cover or scale it to a certain percentage of the original size. It would be a arduous task to attempt to size the image the exact size. There are fluctuations in printing and I just think you will be more frustrated if you try to get the exact size. It would be a trial and error process. Why go through that when you can upload an 11x8.5 image and have the system scale it for you?

We recommend you upload images that are 1/4" larger than the trim size you plan to create. So for the 11x8.5 your uploaded images should be 11.25x8.75. Keep all important elements (text & heads) away from the outer 3/4". 1/8" to 1/4" inch will be trimmed. Again you have to allow the 1/8" safety.

You are correct, the "cover image" prints on a page and the back of that page is the background color of the cover. There is no system in place to print an image on the back of the cover page.
Rochelle Long
Joined: 02 Nov 2007

Few missing details on landscape die cut book

Posted:12 Nov 2007 (17:37 UTC)
Hi, I've read all that I can and I still have a few very specific questions about printing a die cut landscape 11 X 8 1/2" book.

1) I've read that the die cut window is 3X2. When I upload my cover page and look at it through the template, a 3X2 is way too small. I have adjusted my cover to sit nicely in the template and the size required for my image is closer to 3 X 5 if I bleed past the die cut line. Even sitting within the caution zone, it's more than 3X4. I know you can scale and fit my my image if I want, but I have a specific page I want and I want to be able to locate and size it accuratly. Please advise. My test book can be found at: http://www.prestophoto.com/shop/15643

2) I have read conflicting information on the submission size and trim amount for this size book. I've read it needs to be submitted 11.5 X 9 and 1/4" will be trimmed off. I've also read 11.25 x 8.75 with 1/8" trim. I've also read the pages will be sized as necessary. I do not want you to touch my sizeing. I want to submit exactly what you need. At present my test book is in the larger size 11.5 with the 1/4" cut. I DO NOT want you to size it down to 11.25 and only cut 1/8 inch. I need to know which size I need to put it in so that you won't resize.

3) I understand that on a die cut the cover prints on it's own page inside the book. I've read the cover page's back side is the color of the cover's background.
Is there anyway to get an image on the backside of that cover page?

Thanks in advance.

PS: I think it would be really helpful to see a template that shows the exact size and location of the die cut window available for download in the gallery. I wasn't able to find something like that.
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