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Limiting Customer Options in the Storefron

Christopher Chan
Joined: 22 May 2006

Re: Limiting Customer Options in the Storefron

Posted:04 Nov 2007 (06:46 UTC)
I too would like to have this option. I notice that it defaults to the hardcover option, which is more expensive and therefore can be a disincentive for people to buy (not knowing that they can select a cheaper binding option). I would like to have the ability to select the default or "recommended" binding option for my products.
Bart Reardon
Joined: 03 Aug 2007

Re: Limiting Customer Options in the Storefron

Posted:31 Oct 2007 (09:59 UTC)
I second that option. I have a project coming up and I'm handling the ordering myself initially but I'd like people to be able to choose softcover and/or hardcover versions. I'd like to be able to limit the hardcover material options if possible. One of the books is going to be a 2 volume affair (becasue of the 80 page limit) and I'd like to have one colour for volume 1 and another for volume 2.
Profile Picture
Joined: 30 Sep 2004

Re: Limiting Customer Options in the Storefron

Posted:25 Oct 2007 (02:42 UTC)
Hi Shea,

This is a great idea. We have it on the giant list of things to do. Hopefully we will get to it in the next few months, though the holidays are very busy for us. Keep checking in and asking... it really does help get that squeaky wheel greased (:wink:)
Shea Stanley
Joined: 01 Oct 2007

Limiting Customer Options in the Storefron

Posted:23 Oct 2007 (02:56 UTC)
Hi. I've just ordered to final proofs of my first PrestoPhoto project. So far so good. My question is this: Is there a way to limit softcover/hardcover options for a product. Mine is a 52 page photobook. I'd like to make a hard cover and a softcover available at different price points. I have specifically designed a cover for the softcover, and a separate cover to work inside the die cut hardcover. Is there a way to make the SOFTCOVER version available ONLY as a 9X7 Perfect bound in the store front (i.e. remove options for any other format) Same goes for the hardcover, if that makes sense. I have a retail account, but can't seem to find away to make this work.

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