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hidden pictures

Joined: 21 Apr 2007

Re: hidden pictures

Posted:01 Jul 2007 (18:09 UTC)
It's in fact semi text - semi photos (over 300).
I'm gonna keep it hidden for a while... might reveal it later on. I appreciate your opinion, thanks :-)
Jill D
Joined: 12 Sep 2006

Re: hidden pictures

Posted:22 Jun 2007 (19:45 UTC)
Is your book more of a photo book, or is there more text, with photos added merely to support the text?

The reason I ask, is because if it a photobook, I wouldn't worry about people viewing the entire book. In my experience, if someone is going to purchase a photobook, they will usually flip throught the entire book first. If it moves them, they will purchase it. That goes for online viewing as well as at the book store.

I'm a photographer, so I look through photobooks all the time. I've never purchased one with out looking through the whole book first.

However, if your book is driven more by text than photos, I think your concern might be relevant. People purchase books to read for different reasons than they purchase photobooks. Often one read through is enough.

I don't have any technical advise for you, but I hope this helps anyways:)
Joined: 21 Apr 2007

hidden pictures

Posted:13 Jun 2007 (18:35 UTC)
I made a book 'The banner // ONE journey', the softcover version is up for sale. It's the story of a piece of cloth I made, that I sent out and that has travelled 135,000 kms in the trail of U2's last Vertigo tour. Each time carried by fans, who tried to explain the concept of The One Campaign to fellow fans.

I wanted to have some pictures of the book visible as a teaser, but when I do that, and people click on one picture, they can zap to the previous and next pictures and see the entire book in pretty good resolution. Now that's not supposed to happen, this book is up for sale with proceeds going to charity, if they can read it online, people won't buy it. I have now hidden all my pictures, but is there a way to show just a few pages without revealing the entire thing?
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