Aperture cover question

Comment on Book Binding and Covers
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Re: Aperture cover question

Posted:04 May 2011 (19:31 UTC)
Hi, Andrea!

You can upload the Aperture file and select hardcover. You will be able to order a softcover book, but the endflaps will not print.

PrestoPhoto Support
Andrea Herman
Joined: 01 May 2011

Aperture cover question

Posted:02 May 2011 (19:14 UTC)
Hi, I uploaded my pdf from aperture 3 to be printed, but I'm having issues with the cover. Your site says if it's a PDF it will print the cover and everything exactly as made. In the Aperture template, it had a dust cover, and I couldn't find any other options. I would like to have a softcover book printed. I am guessing the dust cover option is only for the hardcover books. If I don't have a panoramic pic for the wrap around, how do I upload two pics (one for the front and one for the back)? Thanks!
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