status of my book
Comment on ContactRe: status of my book
Posted:14 Dec 2010 (16:56 UTC)Alfredo.
Greetings from PrestoPhoto and thanks for your order.
We don't talk about personal orders on the forum for our customers privacy. Please send a nate to support@PrestoPhoto and we'll be more than happy to help you out :)
Greetings from PrestoPhoto and thanks for your order.
We don't talk about personal orders on the forum for our customers privacy. Please send a nate to support@PrestoPhoto and we'll be more than happy to help you out :)
status of my book
Posted:14 Dec 2010 (16:50 UTC)Hy, i will like to know the status of my book ID# 83802. it's being more than a week since last time i heard from you guys.i order it on the 23rd of NOV.(:confused:)
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