Comment on Contact
Posted:12 Jul 2010 (11:34 UTC)Connie, it looks like you are using the caption feature to type a fair amount of text on your pages. Did you try just clicking on the text and modifying it? I just went to your project and on page 2 just clicked the caption and deleted the 2010 at the bottom of the page and it saved. I just clicked the caption again and retyped the 2010 at the bottom and it saved. So just click the caption to the right of the work area and scroll down to the edit spot of the caption work area. Make your change and click the SAVE button. Send a note to support at PrestoPhoto if you still have trouble so we can discuss your specific account.
Posted:10 Jul 2010 (00:03 UTC)
I'm using Book Designer. When I see the final preview of the text that I put into CAPTIONS and am not satisfied, and want to change it, I CANNOT DELETE IT (I do use the delete icon). I end up having to delete the whole page and starting all over again. H E L P!
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