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How best to provide rich toned greyscale images

Comment on PDF Specs
PrestoPhoto Support
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Joined: 30 Sep 2004

Re: How best to provide rich toned greyscale images

Posted:14 Jun 2010 (16:18 UTC)

Here's a link to our Color Specs page: http://www.prestophoto.com/wiki/index.php?structure_id=427

If you have any other questions please let us know!

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John Etnier
Joined: 13 Jun 2010

How best to provide rich toned greyscale images

Posted:13 Jun 2010 (13:01 UTC)
I'm starting work on a book which will reproduce B&W photos from 1970's-era negatives. I'm not sure yet what the scanned files' filetype and color settings will be: the scans are being done by an online firm (scandigital).

I want the images in the book to have a rich, neutral duo- (or tri- or quad-) tone look, consistent from image to image: I do NOT want them to image with black toner only. How is this best accomplished in your workflow? (I had a great deal of trouble with a local Xerox-based book printer the last time I tried this.)

I will be using a Mac, and InDesign CS4, with photo work done in Photoshop CS4 and Lightroom 3.

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