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11 x 8.5 Wire-O bound on Side? Is it possible?

Comment on 11x8.5 Photo Book
PrestoPhoto Support
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Joined: 30 Sep 2004

Re: 11 x 8.5 Wire-O bound on Side? Is it possible?

Posted:23 Mar 2010 (17:29 UTC)

Greetings from PrestoPhoto and thanks for your interest.

Turning the Calendar into a book is an option but not one we recommend.Our calendar products are bound on the top 11" side by wire-o and on the bottom 11" side there is a pre-drilled hole for hanging, which wouldn't make sense for a book to have! Also, the paper for the calendar is much thicker.

If you have any other quesions please let us know!

PrestoPhoto support
Michael K

11 x 8.5 Wire-O bound on Side? Is it possible?

Posted:22 Mar 2010 (19:51 UTC)
I see that there is the Calendar option, where the wire-O binding is at the top, but I need to get a 11" x 8.5" soft cover book with binding on the left side (8.5" side). And this would not be a calendar.

Is this possible as an option?
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