How do I order loose 12x12 pages?
Re: How do I order loose 12x12 pages?
Posted:06 May 2009 (01:14 UTC)Hi Joyce,
I took a peak and I see you are uploading 2-page PDF's. Any PDF uploaded that has more than 1-page is assumed to be a book. Upload PDF's as single pages and that will do the trick!
I took a peak and I see you are uploading 2-page PDF's. Any PDF uploaded that has more than 1-page is assumed to be a book. Upload PDF's as single pages and that will do the trick!
How do I order loose 12x12 pages?
Posted:05 May 2009 (16:04 UTC)I can't seem to figure out how to order loose 12x12 pages. When I download a pdf file, it automatically makes it into a book. I must be in the wrong place but I can't find the right place.
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