Previewing book
Re: Previewing book
Posted:19 Nov 2008 (19:01 UTC)Mai, The most conservative preview is best so that you are prepared for any trim that will occur. If your pages look fine in the first preview that is most conservative then you will be fine with the printed version.
Previewing book
Posted:17 Nov 2008 (18:36 UTC)I'm confused about the book previews. There seems to be 2 previews that I get. After I generate, or re-generate my book and it goes to the "Preview Your Book" page I can only see one page at a time, but it looks like it's already been trimmed and cropped. However, when I'm at the "Add Your Photo Book to the webstore page" and hit "Re-GeneratePreview" then "Preview File", I can view it in book layout (2 pages across) but it looks litke it's still leaving the space around? Which one is correct? I'd like to roder my book soon as I need to ship to Canada in time for Christmas. Can I get a reply quickley please? Thanks.
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