edited gallery won't gererate new book

PrestoPhoto Support
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Joined: 30 Sep 2004

Re: edited gallery won't gererate new book

Posted:23 Sep 2008 (19:30 UTC)
You probably need to regenerate your book.

You can modify the interior of the book by "regenerating" the book. We give you the option to make changes to your book after you have generated it. If you want to make any changes just edit the gallery, make whatever changes you would like to the interior of the book, select the order photo book icon, click the add files link in the upper part of the screen, and then click the REGENERATE BOOK button located in the bottom of the screen. You can then make whatever changes you would like to the interior of the book. And push forward through the interior book creation process.

Any time you make changes to the gallery you will need to regenerate the book so that the changes are incorporated into your book.

If you make changes after you placed an order the changes will not be incorporated into the order file. The changes will appear in subsequent orders.
Judy Roberts
Joined: 22 Mar 2006

Re: edited gallery won't gererate new book

Posted:03 Sep 2008 (01:50 UTC)
After you click on the "Order Photo Book" icon and are taken to the next screen, did you scroll down to the very bottom of the page and click on "DELETE"? Then you can go back to the revised gallery and generate a new book. If you've already done this, then I'd email PrestoPhoto support.
Joined: 31 Jul 2008

edited gallery won't gererate new book

Posted:31 Aug 2008 (17:15 UTC)
I ordered a book from my gallery and would like to order another. I changed some pages - rearranging and adding to the same gallery. When I try to preview my new book order generating a new preview file it doesn't change. It's the same as before I added/rearranged. Any suggestions?
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