Book Designer Changelog
Below are recent updates to our award winning Book Designer online software.

Release 3.5
- Drag and Drop covers in the Designer
- 8.5x8.5 Premium with MATTE hardcover and MATTE softcover.
Release 3.4
- New "Duplicate" button on the Dashboard for all Designer products
- Overhauled Pageflip preview that handles all possible book scenarios
Release 3.3
- All new Calendar support! Calendar products are now directly supported in the Designer and PDF upload. Layout and Preview views now show proper top-n-bottom orientation for a flip calendar.
- New "Add Multiple Pages" under the "Arrange Pages" tool is a fast way to add dozens of pages to your book.
Release 3.2
- Dropped images are now immediately marked as used in the book
- Dropzone's have greatly improved UI for indicating crop adjustment or to drop a new image
Release 3.1
- Our all new Multi-Uploader allows you to select many files at once for upload with a single click! Just click "Upload Files" when editing your book or card.
- You can now upload images for Dust Cover Flaps - both inner front and inner back
- The PDF Wizard now has a magical checkbox for iPhoto PDF uploads.
- Improved Template Creator UI to be consistent, improved uploading, new drop zone images
Release 3.0
- All new streamlined user interface that greatly improves ease of use and is gorgeous to see!
- Photo drawer checkbox for images used in book, additionally gray out
- New Drop Zone images for Designer Templates
- Improved feedback for all dialogs and panels that fetch data from server.
- Edit Public Preview button now available on Flip Preview for product owner.
- Over 75 fonts now available to use in drag and drop text editing!
Release 2.5
- Instant Shipping Quotes available for all products.
- All new "Green Box" interface for cover and webstore editing makes these steps much easier to use.
- All new "Layout Preview" with instant zoom, improved Flash-less flip preview.
- Improved Flickr integration - no more synchronized, instant image browsing and drag & drop.
Release 2.4
- Inline rotation and favorite markers in the Designer photo drawer
Release 2.3

- Auto-Fit Template Pages now available for all sizes! Drop unlimited number of images onto a page and our special algorithms will arrange the images for the best fit.
- Template Pages now have notes to add individual instructions
- Improved Template Usage statistics for designers including sorting pages by usage, proportional bar graphs of usage, and listing of statistics for all templates by a user (see link on Profile Page)
- New Dropzone Layers when Creating Book Designer Templates so you can add dropzones above or below the uploaded PNG file.
- New cover guides on the Book Binding and Covers for designers
- Condensed, unified header for Book Designer, Book Machine, and PDF Wizard
- Improve dashboard products listing: direct link to Step 1 using the app icon (Designer, BookMachine, PDF Wizard); list PDF dimensions
- Add 11x8.5 Dust Jacket Hard Cover, Premium Photo Printing
- Add Premium Products for Square and Landscape books
Release 2.2
- Support for "themes" when creating a template. Every template is assigned one core theme e.g. "Scrapbooking"
- Ability to filter results in template browser by designer, price, and theme
- Internal Designer template browser made identical to external browser
- Interactive filters on main shop pages for browsing templates
- View pages in a large, 72 DPI lightbox preview prior to creating a book
- Calendar pagination now begins on the left, so top/bottom appear as side-by-side pairs.
- Improve Drag-n-Drop reordering so it behaves well on all browsers
Release 2.1
- Template browser when creating books.
- Rollover thumbnails to view the finer details of your draggable images.
- Gallery Navigation through the photodrawer with breadcrumbs
- Interface overhaul
- Warn on low image DPI to prevent unsatisfactory print quality and on use of the same image multiple times in the same book to prevent mistakes
- Upload your PNG quick page templates directly to the book designer and draw your own dropzones using our new toolset
- New WYSWIG Caption Editor ( ckeditor )
Release 2.0
- Drag n' Drop captions
- Inline cropping for all droppable images
- NEW Template Marketplace
- All new layout and interface allowing for a greatly streamlined user experience
- 1-Click magic autofill of images from your gallery to template pages