The Greens: A Look Inside



The Japanese representation of the word Dream. Drawn by Taylor during the 2006 Children's Matsuri festival in Temecula. Taylor signed her name, it appears across the bottom.

Mom and Her Family

Mom and Her Family

This is a rare picture of my Mom as a child with her Mom and siblings. Left to right are Perry Lamons, Joan Lamons, Linda Joyce Rooker (Mom), her mom Jane Kathleen Lamons, Margie Faye Lamons. In back is Don Lewis a relative of the family.

Paul, Jerry and Kathleen on Adoption Day

Paul, Jerry and Kathleen on Adoption Day

Paul, Paula and Jerry

Paul, Paula and Jerry

A very young Paul Green, Paula Conrad (Faye's oldest daughter) and Jerry Green.

Early Picture of Jerry and Paul Green

Early Picture of Jerry and Paul Green

This is an early picture of Jerry, Ronnie and myself. The picture was taken near our Aunt Joan's house in Lebanon, TN. Around 1975.

Early Family Photo on McCullough Ave

Early Family Photo on McCullough Ave

This picture shows from front to back: Paul & Kathleen Lamons, Angie Young, Jerry Green, Missy Neely, Paul Green, Paula Conrad, Ricky Neely, Ronnie Neely and Donna Byrd. This picture was taken in Paul Green's home at 709 McCullough Ave in Huntsville, AL.

Paul Green (1980 Cotaco Jr High)

Paul Green (1980 Cotaco Jr High)

Jerry and Paul Green 1982 Graduation

Jerry and Paul Green 1982 Graduation

Obviously taken during Jerry's 1982 graduation from Brewer High School. The picture was scanned from an old Polaroid taken by our grandmother.

Paul Green on Observation Hill 1985

Paul Green on Observation Hill 1985

This picture was shot by a friend while we were stationed in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica in 1985. I'm supposed to be the old MTV astronaut seen hopping across the moon. This picture was taken prior to my bunny-suit slide down said hill. This slide resulted in what doctors called severe trauma to the coccyx region. My volunteering for operation "Deep Freeze" during the Summer resulted in my receiving the Antarctica Service Medal. I think I should have also received the Purple Heart.

Paul and Horse Full-Length

Paul and Horse Full-Length

Paul Green & Rachel Stephenson

Paul Green & Rachel Stephenson

Taken at Ruth & Richard's Wedding Ceremony in the Mission Valley area. This area was also where we eventually were married.

Rachel Gathering Seashells

Rachel Gathering Seashells

This is one of my very favorite pictures of Rachel. This was taken by me in Del Mar or Carmel Beach when we were just dating. Rachel has always loved collecting seashells so this was an opportunity to capture her doing something she loves.

Paul & Rachel Wedding Photo

Paul & Rachel Wedding Photo

Married September 27, 1997.

Rachel Leigh Green

Rachel Leigh Green

A picture of Rachel taken at Donna and Brandon Thornton's during our first visit to Faye's in 2005.

Rachel in Mexico During Cruise

Rachel in Mexico During Cruise

This was taken by me during our first cruise to Mexico in Nov. of 2004. Exact location is unknown.

Nicholas Spencer Green

Nicholas Spencer Green

This is a rare picture of my oldest son at "the Waterfall" near our house in Temecula. Age unknown.

Erin Laine Green

Erin Laine Green

Rare photo of Erin Laine Green taken by me during one of the kids visits to my home in Temecula.

Nick and Erin Green

Nick and Erin Green

This is a rare picture of my oldest son and daughter at "the Waterfall" near our house in Temecula. Ages unknown.

The Green Family (As Depicted by Taylor Green)

The Green Family (As Depicted by Taylor Green)

This is a picture drawn by Taylor when she was in first grade. It shows Mom, Taylor and Dad in what appears to be a park on a beautiful day.

A Cuter Face

A Cuter Face

This is a picture of Taylor taken when she was around 3 years old. I don't remember the exact date, but Ruth and Richard were staying with us while their house was being built during the Fall.

Taylor's Sonogram

Taylor's Sonogram

Scotty, Brennan, Saylor, Chase, Vince, Taylor and Mrs. Aida

Scotty, Brennan, Saylor, Chase, Vince, Taylor and Mrs. Aida

This is a childcare graduation picture taken at Mrs. Aida Fiske (far right) during a graduation ceremony put on at her house. Saylor-Jean Whitehour has maintained a friendship up to this day.

Taylor at Faye Byrd's House

Taylor at Faye Byrd's House

Taken in April of 2005.

Mom & Taylor Eaten by a Shark!

Mom & Taylor Eaten by a Shark!

Taken at Legoland in 2006.

Taylor Walking with Mom

Taylor Walking with Mom

One of many beach excursions. Taken on a blustery day in the Del Mar region of California.

Mom & Taylor at Mission Beach

Mom & Taylor at Mission Beach

This is one of my favorite pictures of Rachel and Taylor. It shows them at Mission Beach in CA. It's one of a few pictures I have with mom and daughter together. The picture was taken on 07.10.05 by me.

Tiger, Taylor and Saylor in the Backyard 2008

Tiger, Taylor and Saylor in the Backyard 2008

Saylor and Taylor have been friends since Saylor started going to Mrs. Aida Fiskes childcare. She is two years younger than Taylor, but that has not stopped these two from being friends. Here they are in our backyard with Tiger II. May their friendship endure time.

Laily & Taylor

Laily & Taylor

One of Taylor's best friends, Laily Orzo shows her affection for Taylor. The picture was taken in my house during the Summer of 2006.

A Photo-Finish Race

A Photo-Finish Race

Lindsey Aoun, Taylor and Lorelle Aoun are actually running towards me when this was taken. The kids and I were in the back of Wayne & Millie Newton's house on Thanksgiving 2006.

Dad & Taylor Manga Style

Dad & Taylor Manga Style

This is a picture drawn during a Children's Matsuri festival in Temecula on 06.09.07 by an unknown artist.

Millie and Rachel In Hospital

Millie and Rachel In Hospital

This is a picture of three generations of Stephenson's. Millie Stephenson, Taylor and Rachel Green. The picture was taken by me after Taylor had been "processed".

Dad & Taylor Being Silly

Dad & Taylor Being Silly

This picture was also taken during a break from tetherball in our backyard. Taylor has already lost 5 teeth at this time and two of them are beginnning to grow back. Taken on 06.08.07.

Taylor And Mom

Taylor And Mom

Candid shot taken in our upstairs office while both are relaxing. Taylor appears to be around 5 years old.

Taylor Sports a New Style

Taylor Sports a New Style

A picure of Taylor after we cut her hair and before she cut her hair...Taken at Wayne & Millie's Thanksgiving 2006.

Queen of Snowy Hill

Queen of Snowy Hill

Taken outside our rental at Big Bear in 2006. This was Taylor's first experience with snow.

Taylor Marie Green

Taylor Marie Green

This was a picture taken when she was around two years old in the back of our house.

Scoot- Along Posing for a Picture

Scoot- Along Posing for a Picture

This was one of many b & Ws taken by me with my old Nikon N65. Ruth and Richard were staying with us, and Ruth had done Taylor's hair up. Taylor is sitting in an old plastic Tykes car.

Closeup of Taylor In Bed

Closeup of Taylor In Bed

This is an early picture of Taylor Green when she was aproximately one year old. The picture was taken in her parents bed in Temecula, CA.

Taylor with Wayne and Millie

Taylor with Wayne and Millie

This picture shows Wayne holding Taylor with Millie nearby. The picture was taken at Ruth and Richard's old house in El Cajon, CA.

Little Angel

Little Angel

I love this picture because it has a kind of halo effect around her and the backlight also highlights her curls.

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