Image 33952
When it comes to water, Bernie will chase whatever is being thrown; whether or not it belongs to him. One sunny late afternoon, I took the boys to the park and for a swim. However I did not bring a toy for Bernie, so he was chassing other dog's toys. He swam out after a tennis ball, picked it up and then dropped it. A large bird sitting on the water in the far distance, caught his eye. .. and away he went. It appeared that he was going to swim across Lake Washington. I was too far away from him to strip down and swim after him. A lady came over with her cell phone and was calling 911. I don't know what on earth they would have done. Right about then, he turned and headed inland. Visions of him drowning filled my head. I hoped that the bird would not turn and fly back out over the water. He made shore.. Whew...But he would not come to me. He wanted to stay in the water and find something else to chase. I thought .. Jeepers! This little guy is tireless!