12x12 Loose Pages

Premium 12x12 Digital Scrapbook Prints

Product Photo

New: Premium Pages are Full Bleed Edge-to-Edge and higher print quality

Do you want to add pages to an existing scrapbook album, frame them for display, or use them in a hybrid project? If yes, this is the option you have been waiting for! The same digital silk quality pages available in the 12x12 bound books are now available loose at a low price.

To order loose pages simply create your gallery, upload your pages, and click the "order photo book" icon, engaging the bookmaking process. Check the box to have the cover image printed inside the book, accept the default cover info and move to the purchase page. "Unbound book" is the last selection from the drop down menu.

NOTE: loose pages are printed as single pages (front & back) unless you select the single sided print option. Then they will print on one side only and the other side will be blank (white).
12x12 Loose Pages Specifications
Product FamilySquare Photo Books
Pricing$.95 / page, Single sided $1.05 / page (See details above)
Min/Max Pages: 10 to 500
Interior PaperPremium
Final Dimensions12"x12" (30.5x30.5cm)
PDF Upload Dimensions12.25"x12.25" (31.1x31.1cm)
Cover BindingNone
Production TimeSee Premium