Tips for selling templates
Tips For

Tips For Selling Templates
We examined some of our best-selling templates and compiled this list of tips for successfully selling templates on our site. Have some advice to share? Let us know!
1. Appealing to a large customer base is key to selling templates. Our best selling templates have the simplest designs. Here are some of our top selling templates:
2. Always include a page with a single image as this is often requested by customers.
3. Include a solid page of each color in your template as this is also requested by customers.
4. Price it right! Our top selling templates cost between $2 - $5.
5. Square or rectangular drop zones work best. Circles and diagonally shaped frames in the foreground look cool, but framing the photo just right can be be difficult and frustrating to customers.
6. Make it easy for customers to find you. Be sure to choose the most appropriate category for your template.
7. The most popular product sizes are Landscape 4:3 and Square 1:1.
8. Promote yourself! When you publish a new template on PrestoPhoto, announce it on your website, blog or social networks. We also promote templates in our bi-monthly newsletter, which goes out to thousands of users. If you have a template that fits a theme for the month (ex. Love-themed template for Valentine’s Day) Contact us and we’ll see if we can fit it in!