The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Enhanced Print 8.75x11 4pp
8.5x11 4 per page economy edition.
Translated by Edward FitzGerald. 114 quatrains are presented via a merge of the first four editions of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. The 80+ illustrations, all in color, are a mixture of ancient and modern styles, ranging from Austin’s own nature compositions to his enhancement of engravings and drawings obtained from very old books.
This edition adds a transmogrification story, a poetic tribute to Omar Khayyam, a 'Great Omar' Titanic story, a new calendar story, and more extras.
This publication celebrates the nearly two hundred years since Edward FitzGerald was born.
Austin has also written and published his own invention of about 650 quatrains in 'Austin's Rubaiyat'.