Total Solar Eclipse in Australia, November 2012

Rick Brown arranged another meeting of his Eclipse Chaser Group, this time in Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia. The group made good use of the scenic attractions around this location, visiting the Great Barrier Reef, taking cable car rides over rain forests and walks through them, and riding the scenic Kuranda railway. The tour was climaxed with the total solar eclipse, which was mostly obscured by dramatic clouds but exciting nevertheless. This photographer, Al Treder, is obsessed by the scenic beauty of sunrises and sunsets, so there are a lot of images dedicated to that phenomena. The best of such occurred the day after the eclipse, so are at the end of the book. Alan Stiehl contributed two pages of face photography to this book, one on the Kuranda train ride and one on the Rocky Point beach, eclipse morning.

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Product ID: 153983 Published 06 Nov 2013, 2nd Version